How to build an authentic brand?
Marketers have to connect with the right target group, that’s a never-ending story. Therefore authenticity continues as the marketing “it” word. But authenticity is not just one of the latest buzzwords that’s circulating in marketing. Authentic means “of undisputed origin and not a copy; genuine” and in marketing, this term doesn’t change its meaning. It’s a way for brands to connect with consumers in a meaningful way.
Live up to promises more than ever
The irony here is that marketing, by nature, isn’t really authentic. Brands try to position themselves in the best light. But in today’s (social) media-driven world, news spreads fast. Twitter, blogs, and 24h news cycles are forcing companies to live up to their promises more than ever. These days things are shifting in the marketing world and there isn’t a set way to do things, and there certainly isn’t a recipe that works for every company.
“The customer is not a moron. She’s your wife” is a famous quotation attributed to advertising executive David Ogilvy in 1955. Now, the consumer is an expert with a Smartphone who knows everything about your brand. This generation grew up with marketing; they understand the ways and means and they’re not interested in being sold to. With over 35% of internet users blocking ads, authenticity is becoming the only way to appeal to today’s consumers.
As a result, brands no longer have an option other than representing themselves honestly and transparently and being authentic means being true to who you are as a company. Not being strategic to be seen as authentic. Any brand that tries too hard to be authentic, feels forced.
Start with understanding perceptions
Authentic brands are those removing the ‘brand’ element that sets them apart from the consumer, and replacing it with the ‘human’ element that drives connections. But first get to know your customer and that is exactly where many brands fail. Start with understanding perceptions rather than relying on assumption. Showing them that you care about what they want, it not only boosts loyalty, but offers a human and authentic element to the brand experience.
A brand-driven organization attracts employees and audiences who care about the same things. It’s all about relationships. Strong brands are discovered and revealed, not manufactured. A brand must be true. An authentic brand is built from the inside out. If you embrace authenticity, your customers will do your marketing for you by becoming your best brand ambassadors.
For The Branding Boutique authentic marketing is something that should be deep rooted in any marketing strategy and business if you want to build a strong brand. The new authority is authenticity and to us authenticity is an art: if you are authentic you have no competition!
Curious about how we can assist you in building your authentic brand? Invite us for a chat!