As a boutique agency, The Branding Boutique, strategically selects the right route and combination of tools to activate and elevate your brand – locally and globally. We are the new strategic architects.


Margreet van den Heuvel
+31 6 204 86 86 3

Edwin Schoon
+31 6 524 82 16 3


Branding isn’t just about color schemes and graphics. Great concepts begin with great strategies and great research to connect your brand to consumer needs, emotions, and environments.

The bridge between strategy and tactics, taking you from gathering facts to creating words and pictures. When you’re authentic, your brand has no competition.

The extra hands and brains to bring projects and campaigns to a good end. Providing direct advice & project support helping you navigate the complex and constantly changing online and offline landscape.

We identify and translate your intentions into appropriate communication and go-to-market activities and develop a cohesive marketing plan to effectively meet established goals and objectives.

Editing, posting, updating and creating and writing of the content. After all, the language in which you speak to your audience and deliver a message is crucial to the response that is given.

Advertising, marketing, webdevelopment, online, offline and public relations are a few of the tools we use to express our creativity and ensure that your message reaches the targeted audience.

Getting your brand out

You have a message to share, want to affect change, want to have true brand engagement. As strategic architects we understand that you need a partner who will ensure the delivery of a cohesive, complete and effective marketing and communication plan and can execute it with a committed and focused team with the right combination of skills and expertise.

The Branding Boutique shares your values and goals. As a small boutique agency we can assist in making decisions that we know are good for the long term benefit of you. We want to help you invest wisely and strategically in your marketing, your brand and your business. You are not our client. We are your partner.

Authenticity as an Art

Authenticity is not just one of the latest buzzwords that's circulating in the marketing world. Authentic means “of undisputed origin and not a copy; genuine” and in marketing, this term doesn’t change its meaning. For The Branding Boutique authentic marketing is something that should be deep rooted in any marketing strategy and business if you want to build a strong brand. The new authority is authenticity and to us authenticity is an art: if you are authentic you have no competition!

Authenticity as an Art

Authenticity is not just one of the latest buzzwords that's circulating in the marketing world. Authentic means “of undisputed origin and not a copy; genuine” and in marketing, this term doesn’t change its meaning. For The Branding Boutique authentic marketing is something that should be deep rooted in any marketing strategy and business if you want to build a strong brand. The new authority is authenticity and to us authenticity is an art: if you are authentic you have no competition!

Your company’s brand is unique and personal

A signature representing your business, values, beliefs and practices to your customers, competitors, suppliers and business relations.

Your brand represents a confirmation to the world beyond the office walls that you deliver what you preach. A benchmark against which you will be measured. Regardless if it is consumer to business or business to business, your clients expect meaningful and authentic experiences, no matter how they connect with you.

As strategic architects we support you in improving the business capabilities of your company in line with the corporate strategy as well as contributing to that strategy and plans.

Working from insights that
are now relevant

A successful brand constantly responds to changing behavior and knows how to adapt to a new era. What's going on in the world? Which values are important today? What keeps people busy? These questions provide insights that can be used to signal changing consumer behavior at an early stage. This makes brands agile and makes brand strategies sustainable.

Working from insights that
are now relevant

A successful brand constantly responds to changing behavior and knows how to adapt to a new era. What's going on in the world? Which values are important today? What keeps people busy? These questions provide insights that can be used to signal changing consumer behavior at an early stage. This makes brands agile and makes brand strategies sustainable.

The New Agency: Tactically and Transparently

The shift to analytics-driven marketing and technology-enabled business growth has changed the nature of advertising agencies. In the old days, agencies attempted to pull all disciplines into a single house. But the era of “Mad Men” is over.

The new agency is lean and mean. Cost effective with all the right knowledge, expertise and assets to get the job done. The Branding Boutique is everything large agencies want to be. Agile, open, honest, working “tactically and transparently”. Beyond simple cost savings, our clients also benefit from different perspectives, experiences and skill sets while maintaining a single point of contact.


The way of the pioneer is always rough.

Harvey S. Firestone
Founder of the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company

A business has to be involving, it has to be fun, and it has to exercise your creative instincts.

Richard Branson
Founder of the Virgin Group, investor, author and philanthropist

A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all.

Michael LeBoeuf
American business author and former management professor at the University of New Orleans

Great things in business are never done by one person. They're done by a team of people.

Steve Jobs
co-founder of Apple Inc.

Does branding matter in the Maritime and Offshore Industry?

Merchant shipping lines and other companies in the maritime and offshore industry often paint the funnels of their ships in distinctive colors to distinguish them from competitors. So when you’ve got your funnel in your colors and your name written in 20 foot high letters on the side of your vessel or rig, it could be assumed that you have some understanding of marketing and brand exposure.

“Ondernemers moeten weten wie ze zijn”

Onlangs is Margreet van den Heuvel, eigenaresse van The Branding Boutique, geportretteerd in Traveletc. magazine. Een uitgave van Uniglobe Travel Holland. In de rubriek ‘Ondernemers aan het woord’ staat Margreet stil bij haar ervaring als ondernemer en haar expertise in branding.

Miami: Gateway to the Americas

Zuid-Florida, en dan met name Miami, heeft de laatste 10 jaar een enorme groei meegemaakt. De haven van de stad is één van de belangrijkste zeehavens van Noord-Amerika en een belangrijke doorvoerhaven van en naar het Caribische gebied en Latijns-Amerika. Miami is dan ook de toegangspoort tot Latijns Amerika.

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